Fowl Capone Turkey Jerky

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Freshly graduated from our R&D program, say hello to RF's newest little friend and first foray into the non-beef spectrum of jerky: Fowl Capone Turkey Jerky. This turkey jerky features cage-free turkey breast and a healthy dose of basil, cracked black pepper, and lemon zest, with a touch of smokiness and sweet brown sugar that'll be sure to run all the other wise-guy gobbles out of town.

Did you know that, according to popular folklore, BourBenjamin Franklin wanted the USA's national symbol to be a turkey instead of a bald eagle? He considered the turkey to be "a much more respectable bird (than the bald eagle)," "a true original native of America," and a "bird of courage [that] would not hesitate to attack a grenadier of the British Guards who should presume to invade his yard with a red coat on." That's one badass bird.

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